Last week I introduced some new photographs of Gandhāran works in the Musée Guimet in Paris, France; and this week we have photos of Gandhāran Works at the Museum of Asian Art, Berlin. Both albums are photographed by Leow Chai Yee, and the photos are edited and titled, etc. by myself.
This collection of 35 photos today brings the Gandhāran collection to 580 photographs in total; including reliefs, statues and historical sites, and is now an impressive collection indeed. I just heard that Chai Yee is back in Pakistan right now, and is working on 3D scans of some of the works.
They include a sequence of 14 reliefs which illustrate the Life of the Buddha, including a very striking relief of the Parinibbāna of the Buddha, with his head covered by his robe, as though it was a shroud.