Rights of Mother Earth
In 2010 Bolivia organised a People’s Summit with 35,000 participants from 140 countries. One of the outcomes of the Summit was a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth, which is reproduced here.
More Population Statistics
Various charts and tables showing population statistics according to overall growth rate, country size and male-female distribution.
Gary Snyder: Buddhist Anarchism
Buddhism holds that the universe and all creatures in it are intrinsically in a state of complete wisdom, love and compassion; acting in natural response and mutual interdependence.
Sanitation for Villages in Bodhgaya
The Sukhasiddhi Foundation is a Tibetan group working to provide better water and sanitation facilities for people in the villages around Bodhgaya. They are also involved in providing education to the local people so they can eventually run their own projects.
Damage to the Nuclear Power Plant at Fukushima
The scale of the damage to the Fukushima plant has hardly been seen on the mainstream news, so I think it worthwhile posting here an interview with the former chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board in India, and a collection of photos.
Christian Guthier: Infographics on the Energy Crisis
Infographics by Christian Guthier which illustrate the energy curve of history, the limits of growth and the ecological disaster ahead.
The True Size Of Africa
I traveled in Africa in the 80s, it took around 4 months to cross from the north-west (Morocco) to central (Cameroon) to the east coast (Kenya). I have always found it difficult to get across to people who haven’t been there just how BIG Africa is.
Climate Change – One Planet, One Chance
Climate change will affect rainfall, temperature and water availability for agriculture in vulnerable areas. The danger is that extreme food insecurity episodes will become more common.
Nina Paley on Overpopulation
Thomas Berry and the Earth Community
Thomas Berry was one of the most profound Catholic philosophers of the last century who dared to take a new look at the world that science was bringing to light and found inspiration in it.
Ven. S. Dhammika: To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat – The Book
Yesterday I posted an introduction to Ven. S. Dhammika’s new book To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat, and today he has given me permission to publish the book in its entirety on the blog here.
Ven. S. Dhammika: To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat – Introduction
I consider Ven S. Dhammika to be one of the more intelligent and thoughtful writers on Buddhism writing today, so I am happy to see he has put his considerable talents to examining the question of vegetarianism in Buddhism.
Days, Months and Seasons in Pali
The Buddhist calendar calculations are based on the Lunisolar year. Important dates (like the Awakening) being commemorated on the Moon cycle, and the Moon cycle itself being adjusted to fit in with the Solar cycle.
Adivasi Culture and Civilization by Lobsan Payat
Adivasi traditions and practices pervade all aspects of Indian culture and civilization, and the extent and import of Adivasi contributions to Indian philosophy, language and custom have often gone unrecognized.
HOME: The Statistics
Here I have collected together some statistics from the film HOME in a sequence which is worthwhile spending some time contemplating.