A New Reading of my Dhammapada Translation
Unedited Archives of Acarya Godwin’s Retreat Talks
Audio and Audiobook Recordings added to Asvaghosa’s Gold
New Set of Godwin’s Talks Available
The Life of the Buddha and his Disciples

A story from the Dhammapada Commentary retelling the Life of the Buddha and his Two Chief Disciples, and also past life aspirations of other disciples.
135 hours of Recordings on Ancient Buddhist Texts
New Audio and Poems on Godwin Home Page

New material featuring talks by Acarya Godwin Samararatne at the evening meetings, and also discussions and chanting; the poems were written by meditators at Nilambe expressing their thoughts and feelings.
Recording of Reading of Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna in Pāli Published
Chanting at the International Buddhist College

A recording of the chanting we make at the International Buddhist College together with a chanting book.
Audio Tipitaka

Website featuring recordings in English and Pali of various texts drawn mainly from the Pali Canon by various people.
Lanna Orchid Ensemble of Chiang Mai University

Traditional music from Lanna played by the Lanna Orchid Ensemble of Chiang Mai University which I have been using as background music to slideshows of the photographs I made in Chiang Mai.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Four Assemblies

A Dhamma talk about the original intentions behind the organisation of the Buddhist community, how that has changed over time, and the benefits there would be in returning to the Buddha’s original intentions.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Life of King Asoka

A short introduction to the life and works of the model Buddhist King Asoka, who reigned over most of the Indian sub-continent a couple of hundred years after the Buddha’s parinibbana, and was instrumental in making the religion an international one.
Bhante Anandajoti: Developing the Perfections

I gave this talk to the devotees who attended the Candlelight Procession at Vivekavana Monastery on Vesakha Eve. It recounts the young man Sumedha’s aspiration to become a Buddha and the perfections that had to be fulfilled.
Bhante Anandajoti: Keeping in Touch with the Dhamma

This talk is meant for those who find formal meditation too difficult in their home and would like to find some other way to stay in touch with the Dhamma.
Spencer Sanchez: Buddhist Hip-Hop

Buddhist Hip-hop music by Master Narsimha, who is operating out of Santa Rosa, California. He is the leader of a centre there which is coming out of the Tibetan tradition, and uses his music as an integral part of his practice and Dharma activities.
Bhikkhu Moneyya: Good Parenting

In the talk Bhikkhu Moneyya talks about the qualities that make for good parenting, and how the example a parent sets can and will influence their children for better or for worse.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Four Spiritual States

This is a short talk I gave about how to make everyday an auspicious day by developing four great qualities of mind, and I illustrated it with stories from the life of the Buddha and modern forest monks in Sri Lanka.