Bhante Anandajoti: The Four Assemblies

A Dhamma talk about the original intentions behind the organisation of the Buddhist community, how that has changed over time, and the benefits there would be in returning to the Buddha’s original intentions.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Life of King Asoka

A short introduction to the life and works of the model Buddhist King Asoka, who reigned over most of the Indian sub-continent a couple of hundred years after the Buddha’s parinibbana, and was instrumental in making the religion an international one.
Ajahn Suthep: 50+ Dhamma Talks

Ajahn Suthep is one of the few Thai monks I know who can effectively teach in English, and his teachings are always based on the original teachings about the constituent parts, the sense-spheres and craving.
Bhikkhu Gavesako: Life as a Buddhist Monk in the West

Bhikkhu Gavesako describes the history of the Western Sangha, which originated with Ajahn Chah in north-east Thailand and then spread around the world starting with England in 1979.
Bhante Anandajoti: Developing the Perfections

I gave this talk to the devotees who attended the Candlelight Procession at Vivekavana Monastery on Vesakha Eve. It recounts the young man Sumedha’s aspiration to become a Buddha and the perfections that had to be fulfilled.
Bhante Anandajoti: Keeping in Touch with the Dhamma

This talk is meant for those who find formal meditation too difficult in their home and would like to find some other way to stay in touch with the Dhamma.
Bhikkhu Moneyya: Good Parenting

In the talk Bhikkhu Moneyya talks about the qualities that make for good parenting, and how the example a parent sets can and will influence their children for better or for worse.
Ajahn Brahm: Transcending Disasters

Ajahn Brahm points out that it is not kamma which causes natural disasters, and what is important in such situations is our own kamma (actions) when faced with an emergency: can we respond skilfully and appropriately to the tradgedy that is unfolding?
Bhante Anandajoti: The Four Spiritual States

This is a short talk I gave about how to make everyday an auspicious day by developing four great qualities of mind, and I illustrated it with stories from the life of the Buddha and modern forest monks in Sri Lanka.
Ajahn Karuniko: Right Speech

This is a video recording of a talk given by Ajahn Karuniko, the vice-Abbot of Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in England, on the subject of good and skilful speech. The talk is in English with Mandarin translation by Mr. Tan Ah Huat.
Bhante Anandajoti: Dhamma Talk on New Year’s Day

This talk begins by reflecting on the past year and encouraging people to remember their good deeds, and then also to make a strong determination for the coming year to keep precepts and develop further their spiritual life.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Rarities

Strive on, monks, with heedfulness: the arising of a Buddha in this world is rare, acquiring a human existence is rare, gaining confidence is rare, being one gone forth is rare, hearing the True Dhamma is extremely rare.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Invitation for Correction

The close of the Rains Retreat sees the Invitation for Correction (Pavāraṇa) that the monks and nuns make to each other, which requires that each of them be easy to speak to and able to correct their wrongs.
Bhante Anandajoti: Precepts, Restraint and Practice

This is a short talk in which I mention the factors that are necessary to be fulfilled for a precept to be broken, and I give them here for reference in the form of a poster, which is linked to a high-definition copy of the same file.
Thich Nhat Hanh: This is A Happy Moment

A video of a talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh in Penang, which I attended together with around 2,500-3,000 other people! It starts with some chanting before the talk proper begins.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Perfection of Generosity

Here is another Saturday Dāna talk on the subject of Generosity. This time I look at it from the point of view of the role it plays in the Perfections (Pāramī).
Bhante Anandajoti: Generosity (Dāna)

Here is a combination of two short talks I gave at the Saturday Lunchtime dānas at the Vivekavana office in Berapit in August.
Ajahn Suthep: The Development of Dynamic Meditation

Here Ajahn Suthep discusses how he has taken Luangpor Teean’s original technique and extended it to include many other things.