The story is an interesting, if highly improbable, fable: a sage lives alone in the Himālayas, there is semen in the urine he passes, and a deer who happens to eat the grass in that place gets pregnant from it.
Godwin on iPad

In 2009 Awaken Publishing and Design in Singapore produced a very beautiful book of Godwin’s teachings called Discovering Meditation. Now they have just managed to put out a collection of 19 books for the iPad, which includes Godwin’s book.
Days, Months and Seasons in Pali

The Buddhist calendar calculations are based on the Lunisolar year. Important dates (like the Awakening) being commemorated on the Moon cycle, and the Moon cycle itself being adjusted to fit in with the Solar cycle.
Episodes from the Life of the Buddha 2: The Invitation

Every second week, with the waxing and the waning of the moon Buddhist monks hold the uposatha meeting. If there are enough monks available then we will confess our offenses and the Pātimokkha will be chanted by one of the monks, while we sit together in unison.
Godwin Samararatne: Why We Should Meditate

When you read the Buddhist texts you are so amazed at the Buddha’s profound and deep statements about the human mind. It is amazing that he should have made these statements 2,600 years ago.
Reprint of The Gentle Way of Buddhist Meditation

We published 1,700 copies of the book at the time. Now this year, the original publisher of The Gentle Way, Inward Path in Penang, have reprinted the work again, this time in a print-run of 1,000 copies.
Adivasi Culture and Civilization by Lobsan Payat

Adivasi traditions and practices pervade all aspects of Indian culture and civilization, and the extent and import of Adivasi contributions to Indian philosophy, language and custom have often gone unrecognized.
Sakyamuni in a Modern City

This is a poster I made earlier in the year. I had the photograph for quite some time, and the idea to make it into a poster, but couldn’t find an appropriate verse until I came across this one again from the Dhammapada which fits perfectly with the idea I had.
Thich Nhat Hanh: Mindful Movements

Recently I attended a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh, and while looking for material to post here I came across his 10 Mindful Movements, which are very similar to the practices I have developed myself.
Introduction to The Silk Road Series

Tomorrow I start posting the 12-part Silk Road series. I found this series about 2 years ago, and have watched it all the way through three times by now, and individual episodes at other times.
Publication of a Reading of the Exalted Utterances on CD

My reading of the translation I made of the Udāna, entitled Exalted Utterances, has just been published on mp3 CD in Singapore. Most of the discourses run for around 5-10 minutes so they make for a good short contemplation of the teaching.
One Page Dhamma Website

After his retirement Swas Tan started summing up the Dhamma talks he was attending for his own better understanding, and producing a one page summary of the event going under the title of One Page Dhamma.
Animated Film: The Way

Here is an animated video in the sumi-e style of painting. The film is inspired by Toaist thought and includes drawing of the Yin and Yang symbols as well as the I-ching.
HOME: The Statistics

Here I have collected together some statistics from the film HOME in a sequence which is worthwhile spending some time contemplating.
Colour Spectrum Photography 2: Hubble’s Universe

I doubt if there are many people around who haven’t seen the beautiful photographs of our universe taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The telescope camera measures not only visible light, but also the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums.
Colour Spectrum Photography 1: Russia, in the early 20th Century

Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) was commissioned to document the Russian empire, and he did so in an ingenious way and managed to get what are effectively colour photographs of his subjects by using a form of spectrum photography.
Thich Nhat Hanh: This is A Happy Moment

A video of a talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh in Penang, which I attended together with around 2,500-3,000 other people! It starts with some chanting before the talk proper begins.
Leonard Rubenstein and Stephen Xenakis: Doctors Without Morals
After five years of investigation, the Justice Department has released its findings regarding the government lawyers who authorized waterboarding and other forms of torture during the interrogation of suspected terrorists at Guantánamo Bay and elsewhere.
Safeguard Recitals now going for Free Distribution

My major 300-page chanting book, Safeguard Recitals, has now been bought up from the Buddhist Publication Society and will go for free distribution. The book is the complete overnight chanting that is used in the Sri Lankan tradition.