Bodhirukaramaya Vihara
Bodhirukaramaya is a small monastery near Kurunegala. Several years ago, the abbot, Venerable Amilasiri, offered hospitality to an elderly monk who had no place else to stay. As word spread, the number gradually grew. Now Bodhirukaramya is a haven for 45 elderly monks. There are also about 15 novices living at Bodhirukaramaya and studying at a nearby pirivena (Bhikkhu Training Centre).
The monastery is located in an isolated area, about 20 kilometers from the city. In this area, there is no public source for water. Tests were conducted, and it was learned that drilling a well on the monastery land is not feasible since the water there is contaminated by dangerous minerals. In the past, the monastery made an agreement with the owner of an adjacent lot, where there is a good well, for water to be piped to a storage tank.
Unfortunately, that land is now for sale. The prospective buyer refuses to continue the current agreement with Bodhirukaramaya. If he obtains the land, the monastery will be left without any water. Furthermore, the buyer intends to create a compound which would be totally incompatible with a Buddhist monastery. For these two reasons, Bodhirukaramaya is seriously threatened.
Fortunately, the owner of this plot of land has agreed to sell the three acres to the monastery at a reduced price, if the deal can be closed before September 10, 2011. Therefore, it is urgent that Bodhirukaramaya raise 1,200,000 rupees immediately. (Otherwise expressed, that is twelve lakhs, or eleven thousand US dollars.)
All donations, large or small, are welcome. Buddhist Relief Mission will receipt all contributions.
Update on 14th September, 2011
Dear Friends and Donors,
This is an update on our appeal for Water Relief for Bodhirukarama Vihara.
We are happy to report that Buddhist Relief Mission has received donations from Australia, Bhutan, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the UK, and the USA, amounting to the total necessary for securing the land for continued water.
Ven. Amilasiri has asked us to attend a special ceremony finalizing the donation.
We are aiming to have the ceremony in Kurunegala Oct. 16.
We will let you know when it is definite,and.we will send photos.
If we receive further donations, which is possible, they will be given to the monastery to provide other needs.
Sadhu! Sadhu!! Sadhu!!!
Ken and Visakha Kawasaki
Buddhist Relief Mission
In Sri Lanka, donations can be made via:
Commercial Bank
Account Number: 8254001210
Account Name: Kenneth Kawasaki
From other countries, donations can be made via PayPal from our website: From the homepage, click the button on the right: How You Can Help
Or go directly to:
You can also send a check or money order in US dollars, Pay to Buddhist Relief Mission, to:
Smith Barney , P.O. Box 320590, Flint, MI 48532-0011, U.S.A.
Whichever way you choose, please inform us of your donation by email, telephone, or letter.
We did visit Bodhirukkaramaya upon hearing bikku Amilasiri’s struggle to keep the community of young and the ailing monks well-tended.
There is no doubt in our minds that bikku Amilasiri is still far from reaching his aspired goals.
Please let us know the following:
1. Has the land matter been solved and is in the possession of Sangha?
2. At present where do they draw their water from?
3. What is the phone number for Buddhist relief mission in the U.S?
4. Where is Kenneth Kawasaki based?
5. Kindly provide a contact phone number for Anandajothi
I will reply by email.
I visited Bodhirukkaramaya yesterday. I was greatly impressed of the service Rev. Amilasiri is providing for the ailing, very old monks. Yesterday there were 77 monks. They need contributions for their day to day existence & medication too. Right now Rev. Amilasiri is struggling to make end meet! Please appeal to help them.
Dear Savithri, I have contacted the Buddhist Relief Mission in regard to this. They are currently in Thailand, but will enquire with Ven Amailasiri when they return, and take it from there. Many thanks for your concern.