This is another of my Full Moon Dhamma talks, recorded at the Bodhi Lankārāma Temple in Taiping, Malaysia, which has been annotated for better understanding.
In Sri Lanka on the Bak Full Moon in April (Pāḷi: Citta Puṇṇamāsa) they celebrate the Buddha’s 2nd visit to the island, in which he brought peace to two warring factions of nāgas.
I have already related this story before as part of the Legends of Sri Lanka talk, which I gave in January, so tonight I talk about another occasion the Buddha served as peacemaker.
Just a couple of months later a war nearly broke out between the Buddha’s own Sākiyan clan and their relatives the Koliyans. The talk explains how the Buddha brought peace, and what teachings he gave at the time.
Update: since making this video I have translated the relevant section of the commentary in two versions: English Only and Text and Translation.