This is the third in a series of talks I am giving on the geography of Buddhism, which shows where the events in Lord Buddha’s Life took place, and how the Sasana developed thereafter.
In this talk I focused on the development of the Magadha state, from a small but influential kingdom in Lord Buddha’s time until it reached it’s peak with the Asokan Empire.
In the second half of the talk I discuss Asoka’s conversion, the third council and the Missions that Asoka sent out following it, focusing on the Mission to Sri Lanka.
There are numerous maps newly made to accompany the talk, and I have included illustrative photographs of early Buddhist art and murals of the Missions.
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King Devanampiya Tissa

Anula listens to Mahinda

Mahinda tell the King to bring Ven. Sanghamitta

Nuns and Bodhi Tree on Board Ship

Worshipping the Bodhi

The Stupa
Was it Mahayana or Theravada Buddhism King Asoka’s missions brought with them?
The Mahāyāna had not really developed at this stage, so it was a kind of proto-Theravāda that the King supported. The Theravāda we know today, of course, is the outcome of another 2,000 years of development.