Four wonderful and heartfelt songs sung by Ani Choying Drolma. The first is a music video recorded at the Swayambhunath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The others were recorded live in Germany at different times over the past few years, and the last one includes a German translation of her famous song Phoolko Akhama.
from the Wikipedia:
Ani Choying Drolma is a Buddhist nun and musician from the Nagi Gompa nunnery in Nepal. She is known in Nepal and throughout the world for bringing many Tibetan Buddhist chants and feast songs to mainstream audiences.
Ani Choying was born in 1971 in Kathmandu, Nepal, to Tibetan exiles. She decided at an early age to pursue monastic life, and she was accepted into the Nagi Gompa nunnery at the age of 12.
For a number of years, the monastery’s resident chant master taught Ani Choying the music that she is now famous for performing.
if this video is no longer available please leave a comment so I can update the page
I would like to enquire if there’s anyway, anyhow i can be able to purchase CD of the Mantra song, appreciated.
I leave in Malaysia. Could these purchase be done through mail. Thanks.
Hi Benson, have a look at this page:, or try her own website:
Please send the German text of Ani Choying Drolma’s Son “Phoolko Akhama”.
I miss the words between … jedes Wort erleuchtet sein …and …Schöne Augen öffnen sich …
I like this song most of all.
Phool ko aankhama phulai sansara ,
kaanda ko aannkha ma , khandai sansara,
Jhulkinchha hai chhayan , basto aansara
Kaanda ko aankha ma, khandai sansara
Phool ko aankha ma , phulai sansara ,
kaanda ko aankha ma , kaandaqi sansara