In June 2011 Ajahn Suthep was again at Vivekavana, the monastery I live in in Penang, Malaysia, to give a retreat, and when he comes I always like to do some videoing with him.
This time we recorded his afternoon Qi Gong workout. It took around four recordings before I got it right, or nearly right anyway.
When I got back from Chiang Mai, I edited the video somewhat to take out the excessive repetitions (from 35 > 14), which are OK “live”, but don’t quite work on video.
I then added in some music by his disciple Tootaton and added some unobtrusive transitions. I hope it is useful for you, and if it is, see if you can get along to one of Ajahn’s retreats some time.
Ajahn Suthep teaching Qi Gong
Version without music here: Longer version (one hour) without music here: Talking about extending dynamic meditation here: Ajahn Suthep teaching Qi Gong or Standing Meditation at Vivekavana Solitude Grove, Penang in June, 2011. Ajahn runs through a whole repetoire of movements designed to help balance the body.
You can find more videos from Ajahn on my Dharma Records YouTube Channel.
Dear Ajahn Suthep’
I am very interested in joining a Qi -Gong and Buddhist study Retreat.Please contact me and send me information.I have very much enjoyed joining in your Qi-gong class on u-tube and feel a huge benefit to my health.
Best wishes Kay Johnson
Dear Kay, I have passed on your message to Ajahn, but he may not be checking his emails at present.
Dear Anandajoti,
Thank you for forwarding my message.I can wait for a reply as I’m sure Ajahn is busy.I would be very happy to spend a week or two learning chi-kung from Ajahn.I have been studying and practicing buddhisim for14 year’s and do try to be aware of my actions,so would like to learn more. Best wishes.Kay Johnson
lieber Ajahn Suthep und seine guten Helfer…
ich habe das video über Qi Gong gesehen und möchte sehr gerne diese Technik weiter geben. Gibt es eine Lehre bei Ajahn Suthep?oder ein Buch mit vertieften Wissen. ich würde sehr gerne Qi gong bei Ihm lernen.
liebe Grüsse katharina
und ich freue mich auf eine Antwort
Liebe Katharina, gibt es kein Buch von Ajahn zum Thema, aber er gibt Exerzitien und so weiter, vor allem in Thailand, Singapur und Malaysia. Im Moment sei er ruht, und wird wahrscheinlich nicht wieder unterrichten bis zum nächsten Jahr (translated from English by Google).
An excellent teaching resource but the music makes it very difficult to hear what is being said. Could you please publish it again without the music.
Thanks a lot
throu youtube i discovered this great video and i would like to exercise the whole workout. It is difficult to stop the video to complete the exercises (from 14-35 times).
So perhaps there is a possebility to get the whole video without cuttings?
Please contact me.
For a friend without Internet i captured your video on DVD. i hope you agree with my action.
If not, please tell me.
Do you think there will follow more different video workouts for Qi Gong with Ajahn Suthep or his companion?
Dear Thorsten, glad to hear that the video has been useful to you. You are of course welcome to make DVDs from the video and pass on for free to others you feel may benefit from it. I am unsure whether I will be able to get any more videos made. Maybe. Maybe not. But follow up from here to find some of his meditation teachings. I will see if I have an unedited version and update you later.
Thank you very much for your work.
The DVD is build and on its way to people who benefit form it.
Dear Anandajoti,
I found the video of Ajahn’s Qi-Gong class more than a year ago. Since then I am practising his routine every day or at least every second. So many good things have happened since then and my overall condition got better and better. The benefits are many. For a while now I feel that I would really like to intensify my knowledge about this routine as I know that it could help many people with several issues. Could you pass on this message to Ajahn please, as I would like to study this special routine with him in person. After one and a half years practising with the video, I feel that it would be helpful to get first hand instruction from the teacher who’s voice I know so well! I got that he is based in Thailand, right? I am ready to travel. Greetings and peace, michl
Dear Master Ajahn Suthep, Dear Anandajoti.
I’ve started practicing Ajahn Suthep’s Chi Gong system short after it’s been published by You.
I am very grateful.
It has changed, and still changing my everyday life. The way I think, the way I feel what they call reality. Little step by step. Everything is constantly changing. My spine, nervous system, my muscle, my mind and everything around me.
I’m very interested in getting more information about the Master Ajahn and this chi gong system to pass that treasure to other people.
Thank You Master Ajahn.
Thank You Anandajoti for your great work and effort.
I have few more questions. If You could contact me, it would be great.
Greetings from Poland.
Dear Anandajoti,
I searched a lot for qi gong workouts and Ajahn Suthep routine was the most complete and fullfilling I’ve found. I am so grateful for this amazing video and I wonder if there are any others. I know that years are necessary for mastering qi gong, and maybe Ajahn has a lot more to offer for us that live so far from the Eastern masters.
I know that what I ask may be a little too much, but I belive that many people would apreciate this amazing gift.
Thanks again for your efforts Anandajoti! May love fill our hearts.
Federico from Brazil
Dear Federic,
Thanks for your kind words, that is much appreciated.
I recorded the video (it took three takes on successive days) when Ajahn was teaching a retreat at a monastery I was staying at in Malaysia.
Since then I haven’t really been much in touch with him, though I have invited him a couple of times.
If I ever get the chance I will make a new recording at higher definition, as I have a better video camera now.
But at present this is the only extensive video I know of Ajahn teaching Qi Gong.
Other, shorter materials can be found on youtube.
The video of master Ajahn teaching Qi Gong breathing exercise is wonderful, i have been practice it for about 6 months now and it makes me want to learn more. This video is a great gift, thank you for sharing
I am very happy to find you again on you tube! Where are you disappeared?
Your Qi Gong site is very good for me. I have been discovered you about 3 years ago and I knew and practice with joy the movements.
Happy New Year Master AJAHN and thank you for teaching us.