2016 was one of my most productive years in a long time, mainly thinks to the support I get at IBC, and the lack of duties entailed here, which leaves me free to concentrate on my work.
Ancient Buddhist Texts
On the textual side I published a new chanting book (also in hardcopy), which basically follows the schedule at the Pa Auk monasteries; a new translation of the ever popular Dhammapada; a translation of the Sanskrit Arthviniścaya, and a follow up work based on that which collects similar texts from the Pāli tradition, the Dhammatthavinicchaya.
I also added a compilation of the Buddha’s early life in his own words, and started work on a new chanting book from the Thai tradition, which is partially online also. Most of these have been recorded in English, and one or two in Pāli also.
I also completed the work on the Pāli prosody Vuttodaya, which was nearly 15 years in preparation; and a number of new, smaller, works on grammar.
Apart from my own works I also did a lot of work on other peoples’ material, and with the permission from the publisher I also transcribed Wijesekera’s Syntax of the Cases in the Pali Nikayas.
With the help of Donny Hacker, I managed to get Burlingame’s Buddhist Parables, Guruge’s From the Living Fountains of Buddhism, B C Law’s A Summary of the Mahāvastu and Nariman’s Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism transcribed, besides some smaller works.
Links can be found to all these works and more on my Website History page.
Photo Dharma
This was also a good year for photography. Thanks to sponsors I managed to get a much better camera, and then go back to Borobudur and rephotograph the Life of the Buddha stories, and get complete copies of the Gaṇḍavyūha and Bhadracārī panels which take up the top five levels of the monument. I also photographed a couple of new temples in southern Thailand. For links to the various albums go to the Recent page on the website.
Pāli Text Images
On another front with some help from friends in Sri Lanka I managed to published the whole of the Sri Lankan commentaries online in the form of images (the script is Sinhala), to complement the already published Tipiṭaka files. And I added to that collection by publishing the images from the Burmese Chaṭṭha Sangāyana edition of the Tipiṭaka (Burmese script).
Other works Published
Other works published include Nalin Swaris’ Writings on Buddhism and Human Rights; a translation of Ven. Rerukane Candavimala’s Autobiography; the Sinhala translation of Ven Sumedha’s A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness (වේදනාව, ආතතිය සහ රෝගී බව පිළිබඳ බෞද්ධ දෘෂ්ථිය); and a first print of the book of recollections about the German monk Ven. Nyanavimala, Pure Inspiration.

Sadhu, Sadhu, you have done a wonderful service to mankind. Hopefully it will be bless in the eastern Europe.