For about 18 months now I have been working on a revision of The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas by Mingun Sayādaw, which tells nearly all that is known about the Buddhas and their disciples in the Theravāda tradition.
Mingun Sayādaw was the vissajjana who answered the questions at the 6th council, and was chosen for that work as he had memorised the whole Tipiṭaka, and the commentarial system that accompanies it.
I have now published the first three sections of the revised Great Chronicles which takes the story up and to the end of the Buddha’s life, the Council that was held after it, and the distribution of the relics, up and to King Asoka’s time. I have also added after this a new section on the coming Buddha Metteyya, drawn from many sources, as this seems to be necessary to complete the many Buddhas section.
As this is an ongoing publication it is available only in html online at present. Eventually, when the whole document is ready, it will be published as PDF and EPUB as well. I have prepared a publication schedule, which can be found in the Preface to my Revised Edition, which also explains the changes that have been made in the present edition.