Jā 302 Mahā-assārohajātakaṁ
Prudence in Giving
A royalist treats with kindness a great horseman – the King himself – who has been defeated in battle. The great horseman tells him if he comes to the city he will receive his reward. One day the man comes and the King gives him half his kingdom.
137. Adeyyesu dadaṁ dānaṁ, deyyesu nappavecchati,
Āpāsu vyasanaṁ patto sahāyaṁ nādhigacchati.
By giving to the unworthy,
Not donating to the worthy,
One who has come to misfortune
Will not gain a companion.
138. Nādeyyesu dadaṁ dānaṁ, deyyesu yo pavecchati,
Āpāsu vyasanaṁ patto sahāyam-adhigacchati.
By not giving to the unworthy,
And donating to the worthy,
One who has come to misfortune
Will gain a companion true.