I am very happy to announce that the hard copy version of the Avadāna stories at Borobudur has now been published by Ehipassiko in Jakarta. The book is in dual language format, with the translation into Bahasa Indonesian being by Yin Naṭadhītā.
The book, which is the 3rd in this series, will now be distributed on a donation-only basis to all the temples and Buddhist centres in Indonesia, and later the 290-page pdf version will be made available online also.
The stories are some of the most interesting and memorable at Borobudur, and feature past lives of Gautama Buddha, almost exclusively. The stories are told on two walls at the monument and are found on 220 narrative reliefs.
Most of the materials (except for the translations), can be found online by following the links above and below this introduction. The stories are very closely aligned with the Jātaka stories, which is the next book to be published, and is already with the publisher.