(This is a sticky post, see newer posts below). A selection of contributions I have made to Buddhist Studies
Complete List of Documents on Ancient Buddhist Texts
A nearly complete list of documents on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website, in a table that can be filtered.
Publication of Dhamma Topics and their Analysis
Publication of a collection of Pāli texts and translations covering the main topics found in the Dhamma.
Website: Pali Text Images
The Analysis of the Topics Published
A text and translation of an exceptionally fine collection of early Dharma teachings published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Text and Translation version of the Dhammapada Published
A different edition of the translation of the Dhammapada, together with extensive annotation discussing the text.
From the Living Fountains of Buddhism Published
Publication of From the Living Fountains of Buddhism by Prof. Ananda Guruge giving details of contacts between Sri Lanka and Western scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries.
From Buddha-to-be to Teacher published on Ancient Buddhist Texts
The story of the Buddha’s striving, Awakening, and the beginning of his teaching career in his own words, compiled from various discourses.
Atthakatha image files on Sri Lankan Pali Texts
Publication of the first images of the commentaries and auxiliary works on my website Sri Lankan Pali Texts
Dhammacakka Ola Leaf Book (Scans and Transcript)
A short introduction to ola-leaf writing and an example which is published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Recording of Reading of Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna in Pāli Published
Nandaka’s Advice to 500 Nuns
A text and translation of an important discourse in which the Buddha asks one of his senior disciples to give a teaching to five-hundred nuns, at the conclusion of which they all attained at least the level of Stream-Entry. Together with translations of the commentaries related to the discourse.
New Text and Translation: The Analysis of Conditional Origination
A new text and translation of an important section on Conditional Origination drawn from the Abhidhamma Vibhanga.
A Pigrim’s Companion – Review
A Review of a new book by Ken and Visakha Kawasaki designed to provide readings while on pilgrimage in India, but which is much more than that.
Bhante Anandajoti: 4. The Spread of Buddhist Civilisation through Asia
A video based on a talk looking at the spread of Buddhist Civilisation throughout Asia from the earliest times till around 1,200 years after its beginning.
Audio Tipitaka
Website featuring recordings in English and Pali of various texts drawn mainly from the Pali Canon by various people.