On the occasion of the official launch of the Bhikkhu Sumedha Trust in December 2011, Bhikkhu Bodhi wrote this recollection of the monk he described as his closest friend.
Lo Weda Sangarawa – Towards a Better World

Today I am including a recital of Lo Weda Sangarawa by Ven. Dickwelle Upatissa Mahathera. He is accompanied by a harmonium, which provides a very atmospheric backdrop to the verses.
New Website: Sri Lankan Pali Texts

Launch of a new website of image files of the Pāḷi pages from the Sri Lankan Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka Granthamālā.
Peradeniya Hospital Burn’s Unit Launch

Bhikkhu Sumedha’s final wish was to help to establish a Burn’s Unit at the Peradeniya Hospital and today there is a commemorative event which we hope will lead to the establishment of the Unit.
Ven. Nyanavimala’s Advice

Ven. Ñāṇavimala was ordained in Sri Lanka in 1955. After twelve years of study and meditation at Island Hermitage, he set out bare-footed on continuous walking tour. These are recollections of some of his teachings by a former disciple.