Two Chanting Books now in Hard Copy for free Distribution
Ven Nyanamoli’s list of Grammatical Terms Published

Publication of a comprehensive list of Pali grammatical terms, along with English equivalents and examples.
Finding the Path (through meeting Ven Nyanavimala)

How Ven Nyanavimala influenced a young Sri Lankan Buddhist’s life, and inspired her to walk the Path of Dhamma.
Safeguard Recitals, Revised and Enlarged 3rd Edition

Publication of a new and enlarged version of my popular chanting book Safeguard Recitals on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website.
Audio Flipbook of Arahat Sanghamitta’s Story
Ven Sanghamitta and Queen Anula
Arahat Sanghamitta’s Story now published
13th anniversary of Acharya Godwin Samamaratne

Short post commemorating the 13th anniversary since the passing of the well-known Sri Lankan meditation teacher Godwin Samamaratne.
Nalin Swaris: Buddhism, Human Rights and Social Renewal

A new edition of this important work on the social ramifications of the Buddha’s teachings by Nalin Swaris
Bhante Guttasīla remembers Ven. Ñāṇavimala (Transcript)

A re-edtied transcript of an interview with Bhante Guttasīla, in which he gives his recollections of Ven. Ñāṇavimala.
Guest Photographer: Dr. Rolf Heinrich Koch

Photographs of murals and statues in temples found mainly in southern Sri Lanka by Dr. Rolf Heinrich Koch.
Further Translations from the Extended Mahāvaṁsa

A greatly expanded edition of translations from the Extended Mahavamsa, dealing with the life of King Asoka and the Missions which were sent out under his auspices.
Bhante Anandajoti: 4. The Spread of Buddhist Civilisation through Asia

A video based on a talk looking at the spread of Buddhist Civilisation throughout Asia from the earliest times till around 1,200 years after its beginning.
Chief’s Last Dhamma Talk

The last Dhamma Talk by the late Most Ven K. Sri Dhammananda, Chief Priest of the Buddhist Temple in Brickfields, on the 7th July 2006 at the Buddhist Maha Vihara, Kuala Lumpur entitled Human Life.
Bhante Guttasīla remembers Ven Ñāṇavimala (Video)

An edited video of a conversation I had with the NZ monk Bhante Guttasīla detailing his recollections of Ven Ñāṇavimala.
A Mahākassapa for our Time

A reflection by Bhikkhu Bodhi on the great German monk Ven. Ñāṇavimala, based on their encounters over the years.
The Life of Nyanavimala Thera

The following was written by Bhikkhu Ñāṇatusita and Bhikkhu Bodhi shortly after the passing away of Ven. Ñāṇavimala. It was first published in the Buddhist Publication Society’s Newsletter in 2005.
The Asokan Missions from the Extended Mahavamsa

The first translation of the Extended Mahāvaṁsa chapters XII-XIV, which describe the missions sent out during King Asoka’s time to bring the Dhamma to the outlying districts and countries.