Uposatha Calendars 2016
The Stories of the Foremost Nuns published on Ancient Buddhist Texts
A publication on Ancient Buddhist texts of the Stories of the Nuns the Buddha named as foremost in one skill or another. From the Anguttaranikaya and its Commentary.
Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī attains Liberation
A Brief Discourse hearing which the Buddha’s Aunt and Step-Mother, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī attains Liberation.
Nandaka’s Advice to 500 Nuns
A text and translation of an important discourse in which the Buddha asks one of his senior disciples to give a teaching to five-hundred nuns, at the conclusion of which they all attained at least the level of Stream-Entry. Together with translations of the commentaries related to the discourse.
Bhante Anandajoti: 3. Asoka and the Missions
A video illustrating the growth of the Magadhan Empire and the Missions sent out by King Asoka with special reference to Sri Lanka.
Audio Tipitaka
Website featuring recordings in English and Pali of various texts drawn mainly from the Pali Canon by various people.