Website featuring recordings in English and Pali of various texts drawn mainly from the Pali Canon by various people.
Devadatta vs. the Buddha

I wrote the following to replace an inaccurate account on Wikipedia of Devadatta’s position in Theravāda Buddhism, which denied any canonical evidence for his standing, and blamed it on later, non-Canonical sources.
Somawati Stupa Vandana led by Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero

Recollections of an impressive event in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka in 2004, and a video of a similar occasion from 2009.
Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi: Recollecting Ven. Bhikkhu Sumedha

On the occasion of the official launch of the Bhikkhu Sumedha Trust in December 2011, Bhikkhu Bodhi wrote this recollection of the monk he described as his closest friend.
Lo Weda Sangarawa – Towards a Better World

Today I am including a recital of Lo Weda Sangarawa by Ven. Dickwelle Upatissa Mahathera. He is accompanied by a harmonium, which provides a very atmospheric backdrop to the verses.
Ajahn Brahm meets Ven. Ñāṇavimala

I only recently found out that Ajahn Brahm had met the great German monk Ven. Ñāṇavimala so when I met Ajahn recently I asked him to write down his impressions.
Uposatha Calendar 2012/2556

The Uposatha calendar for the recitation of the Pātimokkha from the beginning of Hemanta 2011 up and till the end of Hemanta in 2013.
Ajahn Brahm: Happy Buddhamas
The Buddhas’ Disciplinary Advice

This is the short advice taught by the Buddhas who do not teach the full Disciplinary Code (Pātimokkha), which as a rule of thumb it is nevertheless hard to beat.
Ven. Nyanavimala’s Advice

Ven. Ñāṇavimala was ordained in Sri Lanka in 1955. After twelve years of study and meditation at Island Hermitage, he set out bare-footed on continuous walking tour. These are recollections of some of his teachings by a former disciple.
Flip-book, pdf and audio files of Pain, Stress and Illness by Bhikkhu Sumedha

A pdf copy of Bhikkhu Sumedha’s work A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Illness and Stress for anyone to download and print out for themselves.
Publication of A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness

Publication of the teachings of Bhikkhu Sumedha on pain, stress and illness, gathered while he was working in the Intensive Care Unit at Peradeniya General Hospital during the last ten years of his life.
Success in the Urgent Appeal for Water Relief!

A successful appeal to buy land so that the Bodhirukaramaya monastery near Kurunegala, Sri Lanka doesn’t loose its water supply.
Ajahn Suthep Teaching Qi Gong
Chiang Mai: Photo Albums of Modern Structures

This post covers my trip to Fang, Tha Ton and Chiang Rai and the modern temples and other buildings that we found there, including the White Temple and the Black House.
Ajahn Suthep: 50+ Dhamma Talks

Ajahn Suthep is one of the few Thai monks I know who can effectively teach in English, and his teachings are always based on the original teachings about the constituent parts, the sense-spheres and craving.
Second Guest on Photo Dharma: Ven. Dhammika

Over the past few years Ven. Dhammika has been traveling extensively and fortunately for us he took his camera with him. Now he has contributed some of these photos to the Photo Dharma website.
Bhikkhu Gavesako: Life as a Buddhist Monk in the West

Bhikkhu Gavesako describes the history of the Western Sangha, which originated with Ajahn Chah in north-east Thailand and then spread around the world starting with England in 1979.
The Journey of Xuanzang: An Introduction

The Journey of Xuanzang is a lavishly illustrated 12-part biography of the great Chinese traveler and translator Xuanzang, based on Records of the Western World and A Biography of the Tripitaka Master.