Publication of a comprehensive list of Pali grammatical terms, along with English equivalents and examples.
Uposatha Calendar 2014/2556
Publication of Buddhist Wisdom Verses

Throughout 2009 and the early part of 2010 I worked on a text and translation of a collection of verses made by the Svejin Nikāya’s former Mahānāhimi, Ven. Rerukane Candavimala, who was one of the leading scholar monks in Sri Lanka in the 20th century. The Svejin Nikāya is my ordination sect, and Ven Rerukane…
Ven Sumangalo, 03: The Law of Karma and Rebirth

Third part of a booklet by the American monk Ven. Sumangalo on how to be a practicing Buddhist, concerns the basic teachings of Buddhism.
Ven Sumangalo, 02: The 8 Positive Rules for a Happy Life

Second part of a booklet by the American monk Ven. Sumangalo on how to be a practicing Buddhist, concerns the 8-fold Noble Path.
Ven Sumangalo, 01: What is Practical Buddhism?

First part of a booklet by the American monk Ven. Sumangalo on how to be a practicing Buddhist, concerns the basic teachings of Buddhism.
My Spiritual Father (Ven. Nyanavimala)

Personal recollections of the great German monk Ven Nyanavimala by Mrs. Ayoma Wickramasinghe, one of his closest devotees.
Trip to the Barabar Caves in Bihar

A trip to see the Barabar cave complexes, north of Gaya in the Jehanabad district, and the nearby village of Kawa Dol, where a magnificent (but damaged) statue of Buddha is situated.
Selected Poems of Bhikkhu Moneyya
Uposatha Calendar 2013/2557

The Uposatha calendar for the recitation of the Pātimokkha from the beginning of Hemanta 2012 up and till the end of Hemanta in 2014.
Functioning Temples in Ayutthaya
Recital of the Great Jataka in Thai

A complete recording of a reading in Thai of the Vessantara Jataka by Phra Warat Gambhīrapañño Norasingha
Sankha’s Story or, Paccekabuddhas Teach Awakening

A Jataka story told by the Buddha that shows Paccekabuddhas do teach, and it is possible to attain Awakening with them.
Bhante Guttasīla remembers Ven. Ñāṇavimala (Transcript)

A re-edtied transcript of an interview with Bhante Guttasīla, in which he gives his recollections of Ven. Ñāṇavimala.
Chief’s Last Dhamma Talk

The last Dhamma Talk by the late Most Ven K. Sri Dhammananda, Chief Priest of the Buddhist Temple in Brickfields, on the 7th July 2006 at the Buddhist Maha Vihara, Kuala Lumpur entitled Human Life.
Bhante Anandajoti: 3. Asoka and the Missions

A video illustrating the growth of the Magadhan Empire and the Missions sent out by King Asoka with special reference to Sri Lanka.
Ven. Hiriko: Spending time with Ven. Nyanavimala

Recollections of the German monk, Ven. Ñāṇavimala, by a Serbian monk who served as his attendant in the late 90s.
Bhante Guttasīla remembers Ven Ñāṇavimala (Video)

An edited video of a conversation I had with the NZ monk Bhante Guttasīla detailing his recollections of Ven Ñāṇavimala.
A Mahākassapa for our Time

A reflection by Bhikkhu Bodhi on the great German monk Ven. Ñāṇavimala, based on their encounters over the years.