Second Set of Photos from Bali: The Monumental Sites
More Audio Files added to Godwin’s Archives
Publication of over 10 more hours of recordings of Godwin’s retreats, mainly in Germany and the Netherlands.
New Chanting Book for Meditators Published
A new chanting book is published on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website meant specifically for meditators.
A Buddhist Perspective… now published in Sinhala Translation
A publication in hard and soft copy of the Sinhala translation of A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness by Ven Sumedha.
Unedited Archives of Acarya Godwin’s Retreat Talks
New Set of Godwin’s Talks Available
Sumathipala Meditation Centre on Photo Dharma
Recording of Reading of Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna in Pāli Published
13th anniversary of Acharya Godwin Samamaratne
Short post commemorating the 13th anniversary since the passing of the well-known Sri Lankan meditation teacher Godwin Samamaratne.
The Teachings of Pra Acharn Tippakorn Sukhito
Three videos by Jörg Dittmar made over a period of about a decade based on the teachings of Pra Acharn Tippakorn Sukhito
The Basic Practice of Mindfulness
A series of talks on the Basic Practice on Mindfulness mainly aimed at how these teachings can be put into practice in one’s everyday life
Revision of the Materials on Mindfulness on ABT
I have just completed what turned out to be a major revision of the materials on Mindfulness on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website.
Ven. Nyanavimala’s Advice
Ven. Ñāṇavimala was ordained in Sri Lanka in 1955. After twelve years of study and meditation at Island Hermitage, he set out bare-footed on continuous walking tour. These are recollections of some of his teachings by a former disciple.
Emptiness in the Visuddhimagga
Here are some interesting verses on Emptiness from the 5th century meditation manual Visuddhimagga by Bhandanta Buddhaghosa.
Bhante Anandajoti: Keeping in Touch with the Dhamma
This talk is meant for those who find formal meditation too difficult in their home and would like to find some other way to stay in touch with the Dhamma.
Sharing the Dhamma – Godwin Website CD
It has become a custom to republish some of Godwin’s teachings on his anniversary, and this year the whole website dedicated to Godwin, Godwin Home Page, has been published on CD with the title Sharing the Dhamma.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Four Spiritual States
This is a short talk I gave about how to make everyday an auspicious day by developing four great qualities of mind, and I illustrated it with stories from the life of the Buddha and modern forest monks in Sri Lanka.
eBooks on Godwin Home Page
Publication of the books on Godwin’s website in epub and mobi formats is announced. In a very convenient form you can now carry the books around with you along with your eReader, and delve into the teachings as and when needed.