A translation of the ordination story of King Asoka’s brother Tissa, together with the inspired verses he uttered when he attained Awakening.
Bhante Anandajoti: 2. The Last Year of the Buddha’s Life

A video giving an outline of the Buddha’s final walking tour,showing the main places the Buddha stayed, the main events that occurred, what his journeys were and discussing whom he met during that time.
Bhante Anandajoti: 1. The Early Life of the Buddha

A video made around a talk given about the period from the Bodhisatta’s renunciation, up to the Awakening, and the first year thereafter.
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar: The Untold Truth
Recollections of Calcutta
Sita Sings the Blues

A modern retelling of the Ramayana story by Nina Paley featuring the music of the 20s blues singer Annette Hanshaw.
The Asokan Missions from the Extended Mahavamsa

The first translation of the Extended Mahāvaṁsa chapters XII-XIV, which describe the missions sent out during King Asoka’s time to bring the Dhamma to the outlying districts and countries.
Bhante Anandajoti: The Life of King Asoka

A short introduction to the life and works of the model Buddhist King Asoka, who reigned over most of the Indian sub-continent a couple of hundred years after the Buddha’s parinibbana, and was instrumental in making the religion an international one.
Articles on Indian Art by Benoy K. Behl

Links to writings by Benoy K. Behl on all aspects of Indian art, including series on Buddhist art in its earliest and later stages, besides being a sensitive writer he is also a fine photographer also so that all the articles are richly illustrated.
New on Photo Dharma: Guest Photographers

After receiving some photographs from my good friend Ken Kawasaki, I asked if it would be possible to publish them on the Photo Dharma website, and he very kindly gave permission. I therefore decided to start a new section for Guest Photographers.
The Journey of Xuanzang: An Introduction

The Journey of Xuanzang is a lavishly illustrated 12-part biography of the great Chinese traveler and translator Xuanzang, based on Records of the Western World and A Biography of the Tripitaka Master.
Sanitation for Villages in Bodhgaya

The Sukhasiddhi Foundation is a Tibetan group working to provide better water and sanitation facilities for people in the villages around Bodhgaya. They are also involved in providing education to the local people so they can eventually run their own projects.
Kashi Vishwanath Gange by Krishna Das

For a number of years I lived in ashrams in India, before eventually retiring to Sri Lanka and ordaining. One of the things I remember most fondly about my time in the ashrams there was the Bhajan and Kirtan singing which generally took place each evening.
The Ganges by Ven. S. Dhammika

A reprint of Bhante Dhammika’s excellent article on the river Ganges from his online Buddhism A-Z, showing how important the river was for the Buddha. Illustrated with some stills from the documentaries.
The Traditional Life of Aśvaghoṣa

According to the traditional biography of Aśvaghoṣa, which was translated into Chinese by Kumārajīva, he was originally a wandering ascetic who was able to defeat all-comers in debate.
The Silk Road Transmission of Buddhism

The Silk Road transmission of Buddhism to China started in the 3rd century BCE during the reign of the first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang.
The Travels and Work of Xuan-zang

Xuan-zang was fully ordained as a monk in 622, at the age of twenty. The myriad contradictions and discrepancies in the texts at that time prompted Xuan-zang to decide to go to India and study in the cradle of Buddhism.
Adivasi Culture and Civilization by Lobsan Payat

Adivasi traditions and practices pervade all aspects of Indian culture and civilization, and the extent and import of Adivasi contributions to Indian philosophy, language and custom have often gone unrecognized.