Vibrations of India
Photos of Stupas and other remains along the Pilgrimage Route in India
Photographs from the Patna Museum
Photographs from Bodhgaya

Photographs from in and around Bodhgaya, including nearly 100 photographs from the Mahabodhi temple.
Bhante Anandajoti: Representing the Buddha

A video based on a talk about the scriptural and sculptural respresentations of the Buddha as they developed over the years, which is illustrated with relevant texts, maps and photographs.
Nirvana – The Spread of Buddhism across Asia: images by Jeremy Horner
Wonderful photographs from all over Buddhist Asia by Jeremy Horner.
Indian Buddhist Art Schools (6 Maps)

A new set of six maps showing the main schools of Buddhist Art in India and their provenance, together with further information about the schools.
Photographs from Nalanda University
Photographs from Rajgir

Report of a trip to the many pilgrimage sites around the old capital of Magadha, Rajgir, where the Buddha was given his first monastery and gave many of his discourses.
Photographs from the Indian Museum, Kolkata

Two collections of photographs taken at the Indian Museum, Kolkata of the Bharhut Stupa and the Statues from the Gandhara, Mathura and later Gupta periods.
Trip to the Barabar Caves in Bihar

A trip to see the Barabar cave complexes, north of Gaya in the Jehanabad district, and the nearby village of Kawa Dol, where a magnificent (but damaged) statue of Buddha is situated.
Nalin Swaris: Buddhism, Human Rights and Social Renewal

A new edition of this important work on the social ramifications of the Buddha’s teachings by Nalin Swaris
The Buddha Sangha’s Constitution

Membership in the Buddha’s Sangha was not determined by birth, but by free choice of an aspirant and literally by formal adoption into a new type of kinship group.
The Buddha’s Domestic Economy

The Buddha’s teaching on domestic economy is a challenging charter for social emancipation compared to the crude will-to-power underlying Brahmin theology and Aristotelian philosophy.
The Buddha’s Political Economy

The Buddha’s economic vision steers a Middle Path that goes through and beyond the two models debated by contemporary economic planners: total control of production by the State, or the laissez faire approach, which gives freedom to market forces that are in reality forces of desire.
Ajita questions the Buddha
A Pigrim’s Companion – Review

A Review of a new book by Ken and Visakha Kawasaki designed to provide readings while on pilgrimage in India, but which is much more than that.
Further Translations from the Extended Mahāvaṁsa

A greatly expanded edition of translations from the Extended Mahavamsa, dealing with the life of King Asoka and the Missions which were sent out under his auspices.