BWV 008: The Wise attain Fame
BWV 007: The Right Uses of Wealth

The Householder Anāthapiṇḍika receives instruction on the right ways to make use of the wealth that has been righteously obtained.
BWV 006: A Wise Man’s Duties
BWV 005: Four Ways to spend one’s Wealth

The Buddha gives instructions to the young man Sigāla on the four kinds of friends, and then tells him how to keep them.
BWV 004: Eight things Leading to Prosperity
BWV 003: The Six Gateways to Benefit

A son asked his Father (the Bodhisatta) for advice on the spiritual life. The Father explained these six gateways leading to great benefit in life.
BWV 002: True Cultivation

This verse is a well-known summary of the teaching, given by all the Buddhas. In some of the Dispensations it replaced the more detailed teaching found in the Rules of Discipline (Vinaya).
BWV 001: One should be Amenable to Admonition

Two Kings renounced the world and lived as ascetics. One day they fell into a quarrel about who should admonish the other.
Bhikkhu Bodhi introduces Buddhist Global Relief

In this video Bhikkhu Bodhi talks about how he and some friends came to start Buddhist Global Relief. The video was made around 6 months after the organisation was set up in 2007.
Buddhist Wisdom Verses: Eight things Leading to Prosperity

To give a taste of what my new book Buddhist Wisdom Verses is like I include one of the 251 sections today. I include here also a reading of the text. These make for very good meditative reflections of the teaching, and you can see how they apply to yourself.
New Book: Buddhist Wisdom Verses

The book is one of the most useful compiliations on the moral life of the layman that can be found. It is drawn mainly from the great verses collections in the Pāḷi Nikāyas and almost all aspects of the lay life have been covered.
Ajahn Karuniko: Right Speech

This is a video recording of a talk given by Ajahn Karuniko, the vice-Abbot of Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in England, on the subject of good and skilful speech. The talk is in English with Mandarin translation by Mr. Tan Ah Huat.
The Bases for Talk

Here is a short discourse that is well worth time considering as it deals with right and wrong sorts of talk. You can use it as a kind of measure of your own concerns and ask yourself: are they in line with Dhamma or with adhamma?
Bhante Anandajoti: The Invitation for Correction

The close of the Rains Retreat sees the Invitation for Correction (Pavāraṇa) that the monks and nuns make to each other, which requires that each of them be easy to speak to and able to correct their wrongs.