Ken and Visakha Kawasaki have been using the Jātaka Stories in their English teaching activities amongst the Buddhist monastic and lay communities in S.E. Asia for more than 3 decades.
Bhante Anandajoti: Generosity (Dāna)

Here is a combination of two short talks I gave at the Saturday Lunchtime dānas at the Vivekavana office in Berapit in August.
Poster of the Five Strengths

I made this poster about the Five Strengths some time ago to accompany a talk I gave on the subject.
Devadatta and the Swan: Who really owns a Life?

As a follow up to yesterday’s post I am including this story about the young Bodhisatta and his cousin Devadatta. The story originally appear in the Abhinishkramanasutta, but the retelling here is by the Sri Lankan monk Ven. Sīlacāra.
Udana 2-3: The Discourse about the Stick

A couple of weeks ago I quoted a verse from a discourse of the Buddha in which he reprimands boys who torment animals, and now I posting the full discourse so the context can be seen.
Ven. Shravasti Dhammika: A Guide to Buddhism A-Z

Ven. Shravasti Dhammika has been a monk for over 30 years and has traveled extensively in all the major Buddhist countries, which gives him a breadth of knowledge and experience which is hard to match.