Buddhas and Chaitiyas at Borobudur

Additional photographs of the Buddha statues at Borobudur, illustrating the various poses (mudras) and the Buddhas they represent.
New Album: Modern Murals at Wat Pangla
True, Factual, Beneficial and Timely
Bhante Anandajoti on the Bodhisatta in the Theravada Tradition

The origin of the idea of the Bodhisatta in the Theravada Tradition, how the idea was developed until it became a central part of the teaching in the early medieval period, and a look at the influence the teaching had on the Theravada countries.
Theoretical Implications of the Aggañña Sutta

The Buddha was the first thinker in world history to formulate a theory of contractual power. The Aggañña Sutta is the earliest known discourse on politics where the source of state power is traced to popular consensus.
The Buddha’s Declaration of Human Biological Unity

The Vāseṭṭha Sutta [Majjhima Nikāya 98] is an extraordinary discourse in which the Buddha demonstrates and affirms the biological unity of the human species.
Video of the Jayamangalagatha
Ajita questions the Buddha
Thirty Things that Invariably Happen with the Buddhas

A list of the thirty things that invariably happen with all the Buddhas, which serves to elevate the events in the life of our Gotama Buddha to mythic status.
A Pigrim’s Companion – Review

A Review of a new book by Ken and Visakha Kawasaki designed to provide readings while on pilgrimage in India, but which is much more than that.
King Asoka sees the Buddha

King Asoka has the Nāga King Mahākāla brought and asks him to create an image of the Buddha for him to see
Bhante Anandajoti: 2. The Last Year of the Buddha’s Life

A video giving an outline of the Buddha’s final walking tour,showing the main places the Buddha stayed, the main events that occurred, what his journeys were and discussing whom he met during that time.
Bhante Anandajoti: 1. The Early Life of the Buddha

A video made around a talk given about the period from the Bodhisatta’s renunciation, up to the Awakening, and the first year thereafter.
Siddhartha – A Musical Journey to Enlightenment

Extracts from a musical produced by the vibrant Fo Shang Guan community in the Philippines tracing the Life of Siddhartha until his Awakening and his return to his home town – a special for Vesak.
Buddhakhetta and Buddhāpadāna
Devadatta vs. the Buddha

I wrote the following to replace an inaccurate account on Wikipedia of Devadatta’s position in Theravāda Buddhism, which denied any canonical evidence for his standing, and blamed it on later, non-Canonical sources.
Why the Buddha Suffered

A new text and translation of a section of the Apadāna, together with its commentary, explaining why the Buddha suffered in his last life.
The Buddhas’ Disciplinary Advice

This is the short advice taught by the Buddhas who do not teach the full Disciplinary Code (Pātimokkha), which as a rule of thumb it is nevertheless hard to beat.