One of the first books I worked on was a text and translation of the chanting we used to make in the evening at my ordination temple. We had a good chanting schedule but very inadequate texts to work with, and seeing the need I prepared the book.
Jātaka Tales of the Buddha – The Goat that Laughed and Wept

It was while staying at Jetavana that the Buddha told this story about a Feast for the Dead. One day, some bhikkhus asked the Buddha whether there was any benefit in sacrificing goats, sheep, and other animals as offerings for departed relatives.
Jātaka Tales of the Buddha – Review

Ken and Visakha Kawasaki have been using the Jātaka Stories in their English teaching activities amongst the Buddhist monastic and lay communities in S.E. Asia for more than 3 decades.
Ven. Shravasti Dhammika: A Guide to Buddhism A-Z

Ven. Shravasti Dhammika has been a monk for over 30 years and has traveled extensively in all the major Buddhist countries, which gives him a breadth of knowledge and experience which is hard to match.
Publishing Godwin
The following, which I wrote last year, was recently published in Remembering Godwin, a selection of talks by Godwin Samararatne and some appreciations of his life and teachings to commemorate Godwin’s 10th anniversary in 2010.