I have just made a new page to hold the flipbooks that are available on the Ancient Buddhist Texts site. It makes a rather attractive presentation of these books, which load what is basically a pdf file page-by-page, making it easy and quick to read.
A Pigrim’s Companion – Review

A Review of a new book by Ken and Visakha Kawasaki designed to provide readings while on pilgrimage in India, but which is much more than that.
ABT Texts and Translations Series now in eBooks
Ancient Buddhist Texts: Print-on-Demand Integration
The Ascendency of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
E-books page on Ancient Buddhist Texts

New E-books page for Ancient Buddhist Texts, where the whole English section is now available in epub and mobi format complete with attractive covers.
Flip-books on Ancient Buddhist Texts

English texts are now uploaded to a new and rather good-looking platform for the publication of pdfs, which automatically converts the files to flip-books, which are quick to load and present nicely in the browser.
Flip-book, pdf and audio files of Pain, Stress and Illness by Bhikkhu Sumedha

A pdf copy of Bhikkhu Sumedha’s work A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Illness and Stress for anyone to download and print out for themselves.
Publication of A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness

Publication of the teachings of Bhikkhu Sumedha on pain, stress and illness, gathered while he was working in the Intensive Care Unit at Peradeniya General Hospital during the last ten years of his life.
Publication of The Life of the Victorious Buddha

My simplified translation of the Pāḷi text Jinacarita has just been published in Singapore by Awaken Publishing & Design. The book is a retelling in simple and poetic language of the story of The Life of the Buddha.
New Book: Buddhist Wisdom Verses

The book is one of the most useful compiliations on the moral life of the layman that can be found. It is drawn mainly from the great verses collections in the Pāḷi Nikāyas and almost all aspects of the lay life have been covered.
eBooks on Godwin Home Page

Publication of the books on Godwin’s website in epub and mobi formats is announced. In a very convenient form you can now carry the books around with you along with your eReader, and delve into the teachings as and when needed.
eBooks on Ancient Buddhist Texts

Over the past few weeks I have been converting the translations in the English section of my Ancient Buddhist Texts website into .epub and .mobi format, and they are now ready for use in your eBook Reader.
Buddha, a poem by A. Christina Albers

Today I am publishing one of the shortest biographies of the Buddha I have come across. It is by A. Christina Albers who was the author of numerous books and articles on both Buddhist and Hindu subjects.
Remembering Ven. Sumedha

Today is the 4th death anniversary of the Swiss monk and artist Ven. Sumedha who passed away in the Intensive Care Unit in Peradeniya Hospital, where he had spend the previous decade working with the critically and terminally ill.
Ven. S. Dhammika: To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat – The Book
Yesterday I posted an introduction to Ven. S. Dhammika’s new book To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat, and today he has given me permission to publish the book in its entirety on the blog here.
Ven. S. Dhammika: To Eat Or Not To Eat Meat – Introduction

I consider Ven S. Dhammika to be one of the more intelligent and thoughtful writers on Buddhism writing today, so I am happy to see he has put his considerable talents to examining the question of vegetarianism in Buddhism.
Godwin on iPad

In 2009 Awaken Publishing and Design in Singapore produced a very beautiful book of Godwin’s teachings called Discovering Meditation. Now they have just managed to put out a collection of 19 books for the iPad, which includes Godwin’s book.
Reprint of The Gentle Way of Buddhist Meditation

We published 1,700 copies of the book at the time. Now this year, the original publisher of The Gentle Way, Inward Path in Penang, have reprinted the work again, this time in a print-run of 1,000 copies.