Publication of a collection of Pāli texts and translations covering the main topics found in the Dhamma.
Second Edition of the Buddhist Wisdom Verses Published
New Photographs of the Lalitavistara Panels from Borobudur

A new and larger set of photographs of the panels telling the story of the Life of the Buddha at Borobudur.
Seven New Books in the Henri van Zeyst Archives
New Website about Buddhism and Human Rights

A new website to house writings and other materials for the radical writings on Buddhism of Nalin Swaris.
Audio and Audiobook Recordings added to Asvaghosa’s Gold
New Website: Buddhasāsana
The Henri van Zeyst Archives

An introduction to a new website of texts on Theravāda Buddhism by the great Dutch author Henri van Zeyst.
Burlingame’s Introduction to Buddhist Legends
Publication of Prof. Burlingame’s long and useful Introductory essay to his translation of the Dhammapada commentary.
Dhammacakka Ola Leaf Book (Scans and Transcript)

A short introduction to ola-leaf writing and an example which is published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
The Stories of the Foremost Nuns published on Ancient Buddhist Texts

A publication on Ancient Buddhist texts of the Stories of the Nuns the Buddha named as foremost in one skill or another. From the Anguttaranikaya and its Commentary.
Republication of A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness

A republication for free distribution of Bhikkhu Sumedha’s book: A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Illness and Stress.
Geography of Early Buddhism by B C Law Published

Publication of an essay on Geography of Early Buddhism by Bimala Churn Law on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
3rd Edition of Daily Chanting Published
Audio Recording of Safeguard Recitals in Pali

A few weeks ago I announced the publication of a new version of my popular chanting book Safeguard Recitals. At that time I had started recording the Pali text to accompany the book. I have just now finished that work and have embedded the recording in the website. The recordings in total last for around…
The Divine Traditions (Divyavadana) reliefs at Borobudur
A new set of photographs of reliefs from Borobudur illustrating the Divine Traditions (Divyavadana).
Publication of Buddhist Wisdom Verses

Throughout 2009 and the early part of 2010 I worked on a text and translation of a collection of verses made by the Svejin Nikāya’s former Mahānāhimi, Ven. Rerukane Candavimala, who was one of the leading scholar monks in Sri Lanka in the 20th century. The Svejin Nikāya is my ordination sect, and Ven Rerukane…
Asvaghosa’s versions of Conditional Origination

This extract from Chapter 14 of Buddhacarita by Ven. Aśvaghoṣa describes the Buddha’s penetration of conditional origination on the night of his Awakening.
Audio Flipbook of The Life of the Victorious Buddha

A video with a reading and flipbook presentation of The Life of the Victorious Buddha, a medieval poem relating the Buddha biography in the Theravada tradition.