This is a poster I made earlier in the year. I had the photograph for quite some time, and the idea to make it into a poster, but couldn’t find an appropriate verse until I came across this one again from the Dhammapada which fits perfectly with the idea I had.
The photograph was taken at the Great Wisdom Temple in the middle of Hatyai City, in southern Thailand in 2008. It looks out from the temple over the confusion of wires that criss-cross the city, and the water towers in the streets nearby.
The photograph here is small (640×480), but it is linked to a high resolution copy (3264×2448, 1MB), so if you want to print it out, or use it as a desktop wallpaper, right-click on the photograph and “Save link as…” should do it.

Dear Bhante
This is an inspiring verse. I noticed you have changed the colour of your template and added in more widgets (though I could be wrong about this).
With metta
Kah Choon