Last month I published a large collection (376) of photographs showing the reliefs illustrating the Jātaka Stories at Borobudur on the top register of the balustrade on Level 1.
Underneath that collection is another series of reliefs on the lower register which also must be illustrating Jātaka or similar stories. Unfortunately the lower register is in quite poor condition, and have been heavily affected by loss on the one hand, and wear and tear on the other.
We have only been able to identify one of the stories in the sequence, the rest of the 128 reliefs and their accompanying decorative reliefs we can only provide a description for. Nevertheless these reliefs are still of significance and this is the first time the complete set has been published on this site.
They will form a part of a 4th book being published in Indonesia in two languages, which will include the Divyāvadāna stories on the main wall at Level 1, and the continuing Jātaka stories on the balustrade at Level 2. As always all of the photographs are for free download at the link below.