One of my all time heroes on the spiritual scene is the Vietnamese peace-activist and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. In 2008 I traveled with a small group to Bangkok to attend some of his talks, and he was even more impressive than I had imagined, so mindful and still. We went thinking this may be the last chance we get to see him as he is now 80+ and not traveling as much as before.
But I have just learned that he is returning to Asia from his base in France, and will be giving meditation retreats (5-day and 1-day) and a Dharma talk in Malaysia. The details can be found in the poster reproduced below. More information and bookings can be made from his website in Malaysia.
And more information on Thich Nhat Hanh can be found from the Wikipedia page and the pages that links from there. If you get the chance do attend, I am sure you will find it memorable.
Tomorrow’s Friday Night Video will also be from Thich Nhat Hanh.