A couple of months ago I published a new translation of the Dhammapada, and that prompted me to also update my earlier Buddhist Wisdom Verses, which contain many of the verses from that work.
I have just now published the second edition (which was originally published in 2011), and together with the new Dhammapada verses, I also made some more minor changes to the text, which hopefully helps with the presentation.
In my view, although it is much less well-known collection, which was originally chosen by Ven Rerukane Candavimala from the Pāli canonical sources, it far excels than the Dhammapada collection, and is the best of its kind I know of.
Together with the updated version is also a new recording of the verses in both Pāḷi and English, together with their moral and a synopsis of their accompanying story.
The recording has been made with a new microphone, and is of noticeably higher quality than the recordings that have come before this one.
I hope this work will help keep alive the memory of Ven Rerukane Candavimala, who was one of the greatest of the Sri Lankan scholar monks in the 20th century. For those who are interested in his work, I also recently published his autobiography.