I have now recorded readings of the examples included in my Outline of the Metres in the Pāḷi Canon book.
These illustrate primarily the metres in the various stages of their development and the mixing of the various metres.
But there are also samples for such things as sarabhatti vowels, changes to vowel length, ellipsis, resolution and replacement.
For those of you who have no idea what I am on about 🙂 I give an example here, with the verses that are used to illustrate the different Siloka Periods 1.
Early Siloka:
Kāmesu vinaya gedhaṁ, nekkhammaṁ daṭṭhu’ khemato;
Remove the greed for sense pleasures, having seen there is safety in renunciation;
uggahītaṁ nirattaṁ vā mā te vijjittha kiñcanaṁ.
let there be nothing found in you that has been taken up or put down.
Yaṁ pubbe taṁ visosehi, pacchā te māhu kiñcanaṁ.
You should erase that which is past, and have nothing for the future,
Majjhe ce no gahessasi upasanto carissasi.
if you take up nothing in the present you will live peacefully.
Late Siloka:
Kosalānaṁ purā rammā agamā Dakkhiṇāpathaṁ
From the delightful city of the Kosalans to the Southern lands went
ākiñcaññaṁ patthayāno brāhmaṇo Mantapāragū.
one who wanted to have no possessions, a brahmin perfect in the Vedas.
So Assakassa visaye, Mūḷakassa samāsane,
In the locality of Assaka, and near to Mūḷaka,
vasi Godhāvarīkūle uñchena ca phalena ca.
close to the bank of the Godhāvari he lived on gleanings and fruit.
Tass’ eva upanissāya gāmo ca vipulo ahu,
In the vicinity (of the river) there was a large village,
tato jātena āyena mahāyaññam-akappayi.
and with the income that arose from that he offered a great sacrifice.