One of the best known figures on the Dhamma scene in Penang is Teik Ee Tan, who is affectionately known to everyone as Swas Tan. He is one of the few people I have met who seems to have an inbuilt and genuine sense of muditā (appreciation) and always manages to see the good side of everything and everybody.
A few years ago he took early retirement from Intel, where he was their production manager for Asia, in order to have more time to study and practice the Dhamma. He is a regular attendant at Dhamma talks at diverse places in Penang including Bodhi Hearts and Dhammikarama, and shortly after his retirement he started summing up the talks he was attending for his own better understanding, and producing a one page summary of the event going under the title of One Page Dhamma.
These he very kindly circulated to friends together with photographs in very well-designed pdf format. Now, after some encouragment, he has started a website to house the material (in both web-page and pdf format), and to make available some of the mp3 recordings of the talks he has been attending, and photo albums of special events.
We all have our talents and Swas’ particular facility is to be able to extract the essence of a talk and present it in an attractive and accessible form. It is really a great gift of the Dhamma that these are now being shared with the wider public, and will give anyone interested in the Dhamma a clear and well presented summary of the main points.
His website has been very cleanly designed by his daughter Joyce, and can be found here: One Page Dhamma I would encourage you all to drop by and take a look over there, I’m sure you will benefit from it. Here is a copy of a page so you can get an idea: