Over the past several years I have been involved in numerous projects regarding other people’s writings and so on, both as editor and as publisher, and many times I thought about starting a website where we could collect some of this material together and have dedicated addresses for them.
Now I have started a new website, Buddhasāsana, to house some of this work. Each site will be independent of the others, both in presentation and content; and like the addresses on WordPress (e.g. https://sub-site-name.wordpress.com), the addresses here will be sub-sites: https://sub-site-name.buddhasasana.net.
A few weeks ago I announced a new website for the writings of Henri van Zeyst, and I have now moved it from WordPress, which is very limited, to the new site The Henri van Zeyst Archives.
This has enabled me, as a web-developer and publisher, much more scope in preparing the material and making it accessible to a wider public.
We have also prepared a new book by Henri on Dependent Origination, and have more books coming soon; and we also have a new appreciation of Henri and his work by Ven Dhammika.
The intention is now to develop more sub-sites for Bhikkhu Sumedha’s teachings and paintings, memoirs of Ven Ñāṇavimala, poetry by Ven. Moneyya and more, which I will announce as I get them prepared.
The home page is also in blog format, and can therefore subscribed to it if you want to stay up with developments on the site.
Any feedback about the new site(s) is of course welcome and will help me improve and correct it.