A different edition of the translation of the Dhammapada, together with extensive annotation discussing the text.
Publication of Ven. Rerukane Candavimala’s Autobiography

A new website dedicated to the autobiography of Ven. Rerukane Candavimala in which he talks about his life and work.
Complete Pali Commentaries in Sinhala Script Published
From the Living Fountains of Buddhism Published

Publication of From the Living Fountains of Buddhism by Prof. Ananda Guruge giving details of contacts between Sri Lanka and Western scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries.
From Buddha-to-be to Teacher published on Ancient Buddhist Texts

The story of the Buddha’s striving, Awakening, and the beginning of his teaching career in his own words, compiled from various discourses.
New Chanting Book for Meditators Published

A new chanting book is published on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website meant specifically for meditators.
Syntax of the Cases in the Pali Nikayas Published

A publication of the finest guide to Pāli syntax, which was written by Prof. Wijesekera, on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website.
Publication of the Pāli Prosody Vuttodaya on Ancient Buddhist Texts

Publication of a text, translation and major commentary on the central prosody used in the Pali tradition.
A Buddhist Perspective… now published in Sinhala Translation

A publication in hard and soft copy of the Sinhala translation of A Buddhist Perspective on Pain, Stress and Illness by Ven Sumedha.
Buddhist Parables published on Ancient Buddhist Texts

Publication on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website of EW Burlingame’s translation of over 200 Buddhist Parables from the Pāli tradition.
Atthakatha image files on Sri Lankan Pali Texts

Publication of the first images of the commentaries and auxiliary works on my website Sri Lankan Pali Texts
The Discourse concerning Vāseṭṭha and its commentary

A new publication of an important doctrinal discourse of the Buddha and its traditional commentary on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Traditional Monastic Reflections adapted for Lay People

A new edition of the traditional monastic reflections of robes, almsfood, dwellings and medicine, together with a version for lay people also.
Unedited Archives of Acarya Godwin’s Retreat Talks
Noun Syntax added to A Practical Guide to Pali Grammar
Seven New Books in the Henri van Zeyst Archives
New Website about Buddhism and Human Rights

A new website to house writings and other materials for the radical writings on Buddhism of Nalin Swaris.
Parallels to the Dhammapada Verses published

A new study and listing of the parallels to the Pali Dhammapada found in the Canon and in other MIA languages.
Mike Cross digs up Asvaghosa’s Gold

A new website for translations of Ven Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita and Saudarananda by Mike Cross, together with his commentary on the texts.