Update of the Gaṇḍavyūha Reliefs at Borobudur
Text and Translation of the Bhadra-cari-praṇidhānam

A text and translation of one of the most important Mahāyāna teachings is published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Publication of Romesh Dutt’s Condensed Translations of the Indian Epics

Abbreviated Translations of the Indian Classics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata by Romesh Chundar Dutt in 2,000 verses each.
Dipavamsa, the Chronicle of the Island Published
Publication of the Patna version of the Dhammapada

The first translation of the Patna version of the Dhammapada is now published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Transference of Merit to the King of Thailand
New Book about Borobudur Published

A new book is published telling the Life of the Buddha along with photographs of the panels illustrating the story at Borobudur.
B C Law’s On the Chronicles of Ceylon Published
The Bhiksuni Manimekhalai

Publication of the story of the great Tamil bhiksuni Manimekhalai and her good deeds on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Publication of the Entrance into the Light of the Dharma

A text and translation of an important teaching given by the Bodhisattva before he comes to Earth for his final life.
Creating New Tags in Html5
Publication of Dharma-Sangraha, The Dharma Collection

Publication of the first complete translation of this collection of 140 Dharma terms, and their factors.
Uposatha Calendars 2017
Summary of Publications during 2016
Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism and other Essays

Publication of J. K. Nariman’s Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism and other essays from the same work on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Publication of Dhamma Topics and their Analysis

Publication of a collection of Pāli texts and translations covering the main topics found in the Dhamma.
Website: Pali Text Images
The Analysis of the Topics Published

A text and translation of an exceptionally fine collection of early Dharma teachings published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.