A nearly complete list of documents on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website, in a table that can be filtered.
A Revised Translation of the Jātaka Stories
Navigation System on Ancient Buddhist Texts Updated
Jātaka Commentary in Pāli, Version 2
Update to the Henri van Zeyst Archive
Publication of the Introduction to the Jataka Stories

Publication of studies and translation of the Introduction to the Jātaka Stories by T. W. Rhys Davids.
Comparative Dhammapada Table
Suttapitaka Index, with links to Pali Text and Translations

A filterable table giving a list of contents of materials in the Sutta Collection, with links to texts and translations.
Karmavibhanga Stories Published in Hard Copy

A publication of the Analysis of Deeds (Karmavibhanga) in hard copy in Jakarta, and its availability elsewhere.
Publication of The Theravāda Lineage (Nikāya Sangrahaya)

A publication of a revised translation of the Nikāya Sangrahawa, under the title The Theravāda Lineage.
Paintings from the Thousand Buddhas Caves Published
Photos and Descriptions of 80 Stone Sculptures from Pagan Published

Photographs and a description of the 80 Life of the Buddha sculptures in the Ānanda Temple at Pagan.
Foucher: Buddhist Art in Java Published
Prof. Krom: The Life of Buddha on the Stupa of Barabudur
Examples added to Old Javanese Metres
Complete Translation of The Analysis of Deeds Published

A text and translation of the whole Karma-vibhanga-sutra, including teachings and examples is now published.
The Fourth Edition of the Comparative Dhammapada Published
German Translation of Pure Inspiration Published

A German translation of recollections of Ven. Ñāṇavimala’s life, practice and teachings is now available online.