It normally astonishes people to find out nearly two people die every second around the clock, or 105 people every minute – on average, of course – and these statistics are now around 2 or 3 years out of date, so the figure must be higher by now.
Royal Wat Chetawan, Kuala Lumpur

In 1956, Phra Kru Palat Vieng, a veteran member of the Sangha and an old time resident of Kuala Lumpur initiated the idea of building a sizeble Buddhist Temple close to the federal capital of Kuala Lumpur.
The Sinhalese Cemetery in Kuala Lumpur

Recently I had a short stay in Kuala Lumpur, and I took the opportunity to do some more photography while I was there. The first place I visited was the Sinhalese Cemetery which now lies alongside the Cheras Highway.
Sakyamuni in a Modern City

This is a poster I made earlier in the year. I had the photograph for quite some time, and the idea to make it into a poster, but couldn’t find an appropriate verse until I came across this one again from the Dhammapada which fits perfectly with the idea I had.
Colour Spectrum Photography 2: Hubble’s Universe

I doubt if there are many people around who haven’t seen the beautiful photographs of our universe taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The telescope camera measures not only visible light, but also the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums.
Colour Spectrum Photography 1: Russia, in the early 20th Century

Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) was commissioned to document the Russian empire, and he did so in an ingenious way and managed to get what are effectively colour photographs of his subjects by using a form of spectrum photography.
Mural Walls at Bayon 3: Soldiers and Elephants at War

The video is made from three murals from the East Wall at Bayon at Angkor Thom. Scenes: the 1st mural shows the Khmer army marching from East to West; the 2nd from West to East; and the 3rd shows the Chams marching to meet them and engaging in battle.
Moral Uplifting Society, Bukit Mertajam

This is a collection of photographs from the Moral Uplifting Society in Bukit Mertajam. The Society is ecumenicist in outlook, and there are pictures of Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tze, Jesus and Mohammad hung over the main shrine.
Poster of the Five Strengths

I made this poster about the Five Strengths some time ago to accompany a talk I gave on the subject.
Stonework at Tua Peh Kong Temple, Bukit Mertajam
Glasswork at the Vaidurya Buddhist Lodge, Bukit Mertajam

Earlier in the month I went for a tour of some of the temples in Bukit Mertajam and will be publishing the results over the next couple of weeks.
Poster on Impermanence: FastStone Image Viewer

When I was at the Taiping Temple I became quite expert at quite quickly getting up what I hope were eye-catching and attractive posters in an attempt to interest people in our events.
Photographic Paintings of Tonle Sap: FotoSketcher

In earlier posts I have shown some of the tools I am using to output panoramic photographs and make videos out of them. Here I will show a great software that can make “paintings” out of your photos.
Ta Phrom: Gods and Angels in Ruins: Digital Clip Factory

I had used the Digital Clip Factory to scan from one end of a photograph to another in order to make viewing of the long murals as Bayon presentable. I also have another video made this time of the East Wall.
Mural Walls at Bayon 2: Digital Clip Factory

Doing long scans in this way is really an imaginative extension of what the software was meant for. A more usual way of employing it is to animate still photographs to make them more interesting. This is called the Ken Burns effect.
Mural Walls at Bayon 1: Microsoft’s Image Composite Editor

On the second day at Angkor I started taking photographs of the walls at Bayon, it was actually quite hard work to shuffle along corridors holding the camera at a steady height, trying not to bump into anyone, and not to fall over either.
View of Penang Island: Hugin and Panorama Tools

I had found some software that makes excellent, seamless panoramas, and I had visions of panoramas from the Bayon in Angkor that would, like their originals, be wall-long.
People at Angkor

Photographs of various people I saw around the Angkor Sites. They were collected from the two trips I made to Angkor in March and June.
The Roulos Group

We were only on site for three days during this trip, which is a very short time when trying to get around and see some of the main sites, see some new places, which I hadn’t seen before, and also get some photography done!