After his retirement Swas Tan started summing up the Dhamma talks he was attending for his own better understanding, and producing a one page summary of the event going under the title of One Page Dhamma.
Safeguard Recitals now going for Free Distribution

My major 300-page chanting book, Safeguard Recitals, has now been bought up from the Buddhist Publication Society and will go for free distribution. The book is the complete overnight chanting that is used in the Sri Lankan tradition.
Republication of Daily Chanting

One of the first books I worked on was a text and translation of the chanting we used to make in the evening at my ordination temple. We had a good chanting schedule but very inadequate texts to work with, and seeing the need I prepared the book.
Jātaka Tales of the Buddha – The Goat that Laughed and Wept

It was while staying at Jetavana that the Buddha told this story about a Feast for the Dead. One day, some bhikkhus asked the Buddha whether there was any benefit in sacrificing goats, sheep, and other animals as offerings for departed relatives.
Jātaka Tales of the Buddha – Review

Ken and Visakha Kawasaki have been using the Jātaka Stories in their English teaching activities amongst the Buddhist monastic and lay communities in S.E. Asia for more than 3 decades.
Kṣitigarbha Pūjā with Ven. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche

The puja that day was the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūjā. Kṣitigarbha is believed to look after the dead and visits the lower regions in order to save living beings. Indeed he has made a vow not to attain Nirvana until the hells are empty.
The Bombing of Hiroshima

Today is the 65th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in Japan at the end of World War II. The first reporter on the scene was the Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett, wrote this moving report which was published one month after the event.
The Brown Dog Affair

This article traces a remarkable piece of activism in the case of anti-vivisectionism in the early 20th century, it is a long piece but will be well worth your time to read, and gets quite exciting at times!
Ven. Shravasti Dhammika: A Guide to Buddhism A-Z

Ven. Shravasti Dhammika has been a monk for over 30 years and has traveled extensively in all the major Buddhist countries, which gives him a breadth of knowledge and experience which is hard to match.
Thich Nhat Hanh in Malaysia

One of my all time heroes on the spiritual scene is the Vietnamese peace-activist and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. In 2008 I traveled with a small group to Bangkok to attend some of his talks, and he was even more impressive than I had imagined, so mindful and still.
Publishing Godwin
The following, which I wrote last year, was recently published in Remembering Godwin, a selection of talks by Godwin Samararatne and some appreciations of his life and teachings to commemorate Godwin’s 10th anniversary in 2010.
A History of Passports
I am currently back in Siem Reap and I must say I welcome the opportunity to be here, but the main reason I am here is because I can no longer stay in my otherwise host country of Malaysia.