MS Word: Split Windows Vertically
Resize images to Fit Browser Window
How to resize a photo to make the best fit in a browser window using javascript.
Easy Reading in your Browser: iReader for Firefox
A great help for anyone reading on the Internet comes in the form of an add-on for Firefox, which takes out the clutter and leaves the article.
Monastic Dawnrise and Midday
A new calculator to find out the correct time for dawnrise and midday which are crucial for many of the monastic disciplinary rules and for lay people undertaking the uposatha.
Facebook Comments: Dynamic Urls on Static Pages
A note on how to insert the Facebook Commenting social plugin via javascript on static pages and make the url dynamic.
Simple Buddhist-Christian Era Conversion Forms
Writing Filenames into mp3 Tags with a Batch File
I needed to write part of a file name into the mp3 title tag. There are some great tag writers out there, but I couldn’t find one that can write only part of the name, which is what I needed.
Writing Filenames into JPEG Comments and Captions with a Batch File
This post looks at how I solved a problem I had with naming captions in photographs so they can be easily uploaded to Picasa web albums. It also shows how to write to jpeg comments.
Digital Mosaics made using Foto-Mosaic-Edda
I very much liked the mosaic work found in the temples and pagodas I saw in Myanmar, and being inspired by the idea when I got back I made a digital mosaic based on a photograph of a pedestal mosaic at Shwedagon, Yangon.
Virtual Desktops and Dual Monitors
The post discusses the uses of virtual desktops and a dual monitor system. It seems many people think it will be more complicated having two monitors, but in my experience anyway, the exact opposite is the case.
My Not-So-Square Monitor
Now there are several advantages of a laptop, but it comes with a price, which is that there is little room on the monitor to work with, and its almost an equation that the more portable :: the less room.
Multi Calculator Programme
I decided to write my own Multi-Calculator which would show all the operations I was trying to perform in the interface, and I am now making it available as a freeware download for Windows..
Poster on Impermanence: FastStone Image Viewer
When I was at the Taiping Temple I became quite expert at quite quickly getting up what I hope were eye-catching and attractive posters in an attempt to interest people in our events.
Photographic Paintings of Tonle Sap: FotoSketcher
In earlier posts I have shown some of the tools I am using to output panoramic photographs and make videos out of them. Here I will show a great software that can make “paintings” out of your photos.
Ta Phrom: Gods and Angels in Ruins: Digital Clip Factory
I had used the Digital Clip Factory to scan from one end of a photograph to another in order to make viewing of the long murals as Bayon presentable. I also have another video made this time of the East Wall.
Mural Walls at Bayon 2: Digital Clip Factory
Doing long scans in this way is really an imaginative extension of what the software was meant for. A more usual way of employing it is to animate still photographs to make them more interesting. This is called the Ken Burns effect.
Mural Walls at Bayon 1: Microsoft’s Image Composite Editor
On the second day at Angkor I started taking photographs of the walls at Bayon, it was actually quite hard work to shuffle along corridors holding the camera at a steady height, trying not to bump into anyone, and not to fall over either.
View of Penang Island: Hugin and Panorama Tools
I had found some software that makes excellent, seamless panoramas, and I had visions of panoramas from the Bayon in Angkor that would, like their originals, be wall-long.
Unicode Input Programme (Simple)
I have written a Unicode Input Programme, which, when active, runs silently in the system tray and allows for the input of Unicode characters through the use of hotkey combinations.