The first translation of the Patna version of the Dhammapada is now published on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
Transference of Merit to the King of Thailand
Dhammapada Posters on Photo Dharma IV
Dhammapada Posters on Photo Dharma III
New Book about Borobudur Published

A new book is published telling the Life of the Buddha along with photographs of the panels illustrating the story at Borobudur.
Dhammapada Posters on Photo Dharma II
Dhammapada Posters on Photo Dharma I
Two New Albums from the National Museum in Bangkok
B C Law’s On the Chronicles of Ceylon Published
The Bhiksuni Manimekhalai

Publication of the story of the great Tamil bhiksuni Manimekhalai and her good deeds on Ancient Buddhist Texts.
New Photographs from Singapore
New Design and Upgrade of Photo Dharma Website

Major improvements of the Photo Dharma website, including a new design and bigger thumbnails and slides.
Photographs from Cave Sites around Aurangabad

Publication of photographs from some of the cave sites around Aurangabad, including Ellora and Ajanta.
Photographs around Sanchi and at Nashik
Photographs of Cave Sites near Lonavala
Murals of the Great Disciples from Wat Pho

Why and how I got the photographs of the murals of the great disciples at Wat Pho after the India photoshoot.