A new translation of the verses from Jātaka 151-250, together with their previously untranslated word commentaries.
First Volume of the Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries

A new translation of the first 150 Jātaka verses, together with their previously untranslated word commentaries.
Contributions to Buddhist Studies

(This is a sticky post, see newer posts below). A selection of contributions I have made to Buddhist Studies
Programmes to Input Diacritics with Two Different Methods
New and Complete Translation of Five Jātakas
Complete List of Documents on Ancient Buddhist Texts

A nearly complete list of documents on the Ancient Buddhist Texts website, in a table that can be filtered.
A Revised Translation of the Jātaka Stories
Navigation System on Ancient Buddhist Texts Updated
Jātaka Commentary in Pāli, Version 2
Update to the Henri van Zeyst Archive
Two Innovative Temples in Petchabun
Two Photo Albums from Phimai Published
Photographs from Prasat Phanom Rung
Publication of the Introduction to the Jataka Stories

Publication of studies and translation of the Introduction to the Jātaka Stories by T. W. Rhys Davids.
A Revised Presentation of the Jātaka Commentary
Comparative Dhammapada Table
Suttapitaka Index, with links to Pali Text and Translations

A filterable table giving a list of contents of materials in the Sutta Collection, with links to texts and translations.
Karmavibhanga Stories Published in Hard Copy

A publication of the Analysis of Deeds (Karmavibhanga) in hard copy in Jakarta, and its availability elsewhere.