Publication of the Third Part of a Revised Edition of the The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas by Mingun Sayādaw covering the end of the Buddha’s life, the Council and his Teachings.
Vinayapitaka Index, with links to Pali Text and Translations
A new page with a table of the contents of the Vinaypiṭaka, and an ability to filter the table for quick lookup.
Publication of the Second Section of the Great Chronicles
Publication of the Second Part of a Revised Edition of the The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas by Mingun Sayādaw covering the story of the Buddha during his first 20 years.
A New Reading of the Thematic Discourses about Nuns
Publication of the First Section of the Great Chronicles
Publication of the First Part of a Revised Edition of the The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas by Mingun Sayādaw covering the story of the Bodhisatta.
List of Pali Text Society (PTS) Publications
A New Reading of my Dhammapada Translation
Photographs of The Great Treasure Centre in Hatyai, Thailand
Five New Albums from Hatyai, Thailand
New photographs from five temples in Hatyai, including both Chinese temples and traditional Thai temples.
Final Set of Photos from Bali: The Collections
Third Set of Photos from Bali: The Other Ancient Temples
Second Set of Photos from Bali: The Monumental Sites
First Set of Photos from Bali: The Iconic Temples
Third Volume of the Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries
A new translation of the verses from Jātakas 251-300, together with their previously untranslated word commentaries.
Guide to the Reliefs at Prambanan Published
Second Volume of the Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries
A new translation of the verses from Jātaka 151-250, together with their previously untranslated word commentaries.
First Volume of the Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries
A new translation of the first 150 Jātaka verses, together with their previously untranslated word commentaries.
Contributions to Buddhist Studies
(This is a sticky post, see newer posts below). A selection of contributions I have made to Buddhist Studies